The spring exhibition at Artipelag will be with Poul Gernes and Cosima von Bonin. Their mutual history started at Kunstverein Hamburg in 2001, when von Bonin showed a work by Gernes together with her own work under the heading Bruder Poul Sticht in See (Brother Poul Goes to See). Since then, a dialogue between these two artistries has been going on, where the perspective continuously is shifted, and where it can be difficult to code who is the main character and who is the sidekick. The purpose of the Artipelag exhibition is to once again bring together works by the two artists, to further deepen the dialogue.
We would like to show how themes from the idea based art of the 1960s today are reused, reworked, and further challenged, to create a new and upgraded view on modernism, where feminism, collectivism, and mass cultural references create new possibilities for art.
The exhibition comprises a large number of works by the Danish artist Poul Gernes (1925-96,) from the 1960s until he died, while the works by Cosima von Bonin (1964) are from the last three years.
Artists: Poul Gernes (1925-1996), Cosima von Bonin (1964)
Curator: Bo Nilsson
Assistant Curators: Frida Andersson and Magnus Jensner
Catalogue: In connection with the exhibition a richly illustrated catalogue with texts by Bo Nilsson, Magnus Jensner, Anders Krüger, and Laura Cottingham will be published. Design is by Matilda Plöjel.
Pressrelease: Thursday 7 March, 11am-1pm, followed by a light lunch.
Transport: Artipelag bus 10.30am from Vasagatan, just outside the Central Station to Artipelag.
From Artipelag: 1.30pm to Vasagatan. Car from Stockholm: Appr. 20 min. from central Stockholm. Take road 222 to Gustavsberg and follow the signs.
RSVP Monday 4 March to pressansvarig@artipelag.se
For more information, please contact press contact Maria Rosén maria.rosen@artipelag.se +46 72 244 22 38