The Monochrome Symphony – Single-coloured Constellations of Art, Design, Fashion & Music
Past exhibition October 16, 2015 – March 28, 2016
In 1915, Kazimir Malevich painted his monochrome painting Black Square, which, a hundred years later, remains an icon for a century of radical aesthetics in art, design, fashion and music. Artipelag opened the autumn season with a manifestation of the monochrome as a tribute to Malevich and his successors. Music and monochrome art are still closely related and we wanted to convey this in the exhibition.

Image: Cajsa von Zeipel, Morra, 2014. Courtesy the artist & Andréhn Schiptjenko. Photo: Sophie Mörner.
A Kassen
Harpa Árnadóttir
Uta Barth
Georg Baselitz
Håkan Bengtsson
Jonas Bohlin och Thomas Sandell
Angela de la Cruz
Lucio Fontana
Jennifer Forsberg
Paul Fägerskiöld
Denise Grünstein
Ann Cathrin November Høibo
Per Bak Jensen
Donald Judd
Yves Klein
Anders Knutsson
Jannis Kounellis
Jason Martin
Truls Melin
Maria Miesenberger
Runo Lagomarsino
A. R. Penck
Arnulf Rainer
Riiko Sakkinen
Tony Smith
Erik Steffensen
David Svensson
Pia Wallén
Pia Wallén and Felix Roll
Ilija Wyller
Yohji Yamamoto
Cajsa von Zeipel
Exhibition Blog
We gathered everything that happened in and around the exhibition in a blog. Visit our tumblr to read all that is written about the exhibition, programmes, monochrome fashion, art and design.