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Earth Matters

Past exhibition February 6 – May 3, 2015

For too long we have ruthlessly consumed our Earth’s assets and drained it of its resources. Forests become furniture, oceans are polluted and minerals are over-mined. For future generations it is crucial to consider a new reflection: a transformation from over-consumption towards sustainable development that is in harmony with nature, with increased respect for our environment and for each other.

Exhibiting contemporary design and its processes for the first time, Artipelag invited curators Lidewij Edelkoort and Philip Fimmano to create a thought-provoking show that directly connected with this subject matter and museum’s meteorological site in Stockholm’s idyllic archipelago. As Edelkoort explains, ”This young century has brought about a moment of reflection and radical change, making up for a century of ecological abuse, consumption, greed and violence. For the first time, a post-fossil society is emerging, using natural ingredients, offering alternatives and giving us hope for the future.”

Areas such as design, art, photography, food and fashion are increasingly driven by a new creative energy that is inspired by natural materials and sustainability. From land to sea, from forest to mountain, a wealth of ideas sprout from the Earth, analyzing and cataloguing its components: transformed into new materials, recycled remnants, oxidized alloys and vegetal colors.

The exhibition EARTH MATTERS alerted us to consider how we over-consume Earth’s resources, but also celebrated the beauty of our planet.

Lidewij Edelkoort and Philip Fimmano.

Earth Matters är helt enkelt en utställning som känns. I hjärtat. Ögonen. Öronen. Händerna. Den gör ont, men ger hopp på en och samma gång. Och måste jag sammanfatta den blir det med ett, enda ord: Äntligen!

Annica Kvint i Dagens Nyheter

Lidewij Edelkoort

Lidewij Edelkoort is one of the world’s most discussed trend analyst, curator, publisher and educator. She studies the connection between art, design, fashion and consumption culutre. She is a pioneer within trend analysis as a profession and offers design- och lifestyle analysis for the world’s leading brands. Together with curator Philip Fimmano, Edelkoort Exhibitions creates dynamic design exhibitions for international museums and institutions.