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In the 1990s, ideas were expanded to encompass a global world and an interest in cultural spheres that differed from our Western consumer-oriented civilisation. Denise’s interest in history had already been manifested in Zone V, and at the end of the 1990s she continued her journeys in the landscapes of the past.

In Jaisana in northern India, she discovered a desert landscape where camels still travelled in caravans, as if time had stood still. Denise did not want to depict this landscape as it was portrayed in modern travel reports, a format that had been standardised in magazines such as National Geographic. In the course of her exploration of older photographic techniques, Denise came across glass negatives, which provided restricted technical reproduction possibilities. The quality and blurriness of the images in the series Jaisana may appear to be technically imperfect, but, nevertheless, it provides Denise’s photographs with an authenticity that correlates to lifestyles that still prevailed at the time.



Under 1990-talet växte bilden av världen till en global omfattning som innebar en nyfikenhet på andra kulturkretsar än vår västerländska konsumtionsinriktade civilisation. Denises intresse för historien hade redan manifesterats i Zone V, men i slutet av 1990-talet fortsatte hon sina resor i förflutenhetens landskap.

I norra Indien fann hon i området Jaisana ett ökenlandskap där kameler fortfarande färdades i karavaner som om tiden stått stilla. Denise ville skildra detta landskap som det vanligen gestaltades i det moderna resereportagets form, vilket hade blivit standard i tidskrifter som National Geographic. I sitt intresse för äldre fotografiska tekniker fann Denise äldre glasnegativ som gav begränsade tekniska reproduktionsmöjligheter. Bildkvaliteten i sviten Jaisana kan framstå som tekniskt ofullbordad i sin oskärpa, men Denises fotografier har på så sätt en autenticitet som var kompatibel med de livsmönster som fortfarande var giltiga i samtiden.