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New exhibition opens today!

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The Monochrome Symphony – Single-coloured Constellations of Art, Design, Fashio & MusicOCTOBER 16 2015 – MARCH 28 2016

It is now 100 years ago that 
Kazimir Malevich painted his monochrome painting Black Square in 1915. A painting which today, one hundred years later remains an icon for a century of radical aesthetics in art, design, fashion and music.

Today we open the autumn and winter exhibition, which is a manifestation of the monochrome as a tribute to Malevich and his successors.
Read more about the exhibition

Welcome to the INAUGURATION 

Welcome to the inauguration of the exhibition on Saturday October 17th at 2 pm. (Entrance)

The Konsthall is open 11 am – 5 pm (Tuesday–Sunday, Mondays closed
